Getting started with feeding

Find out when and how to safely supplement your baby's diet, whether with breast milk or formula. Learn when, how and for how long it is appropriate to include additional food and what to watch out for.

349 CZK

This comprehensive program on child nutrition provides essential information and support for parents who are choosing alternative sources of nutrition for their children. We will reveal when is the right time to start complementary feeding, whether to give preference to mother’s milk or artificial milk and which feeding methods are best for your baby. The program focuses on practical aspects such as proper storage, freezing and reheating of expressed breast milk, feeding frequency, portion sizes and safe formula preparation. You will also learn how to maintain the ideal milk temperature and how to recognize your baby’s hunger and satiety signals. We will also offer you practical tips on burping, choosing the right aids for safe and effective milk delivery, their hygiene, and we will also discuss the pitfalls of freezing breast milk and mixing it with formula. The program also includes advice for gradual weaning from drinking milk from a bottle. Join us and get all the information and support you need to ensure the best possible nutrition for your baby, with an emphasis on maintaining and strengthening your bond with each other.

The program has 14 chapters and 39 subchapters, and you buy access with regular updates for 12 months.

What will you learn in the program?

  • The most common reasons for starting supplementary feeding: it is important to recognize situations when supplementary feeding is needed and when it can be given unnecessarily. We will help you find your way around this issue and choose the most suitable solution for your child.
  • Safe preparation of formula and breast milk: following the manufacturer’s instructions, proper storage, heating and handling of formula are key to ensuring the safety and nutritional value of milk for the baby.
  • Complementary feeding methods and breast milk storage: choosing an appropriate complementary feeding method, such as feeding from a beaker, cup or syringe, and knowing how to properly store and heat milk are essential to maintaining its quality and safety.
  • Weaning from bottles and pacifiers: strategies for gradually weaning your baby from bottles and pacifiers, including choosing the right time and method. Healthy oral and dental development is key to a child’s long-term health.
  • Water intake and transition to solid food: information about the appropriate time to introduce water and solid food into the child’s diet.
  • And other interesting information!

What does the program look like?

On your mobile and on your computer, always at your fingertips

To start the program, you create your account, which contains all your purchased programs and packages. You’ll simply be able to track your progress in a program that saves automatically, and everything will work easily on your computer and phone. 

Want to try the program first? For each of the programs you have the opportunity to review a section for free.

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Program content

  • When supplemental food may be needed

    • Insufficient supply of breast milk
    • Concerns about gaining weight
    • Premature delivery
    • Mother’s medication or illness
    • Separation from mother
    • Problems with latching and breastfeeding
  • Methods of feeding

    The choice of a suitable supplementary feeding method is crucial, because it is the only way to support the healthy development of sucking in the child and at the same time not endanger breastfeeding. The chapter focuses on alternative feeding methods, such as beaker, syringe, finger, spoon or tube feeding.

  • Storage, freezing and heating of expressed breast milk

    • How long can breast milk be stored?
    • What dose to store and heat
    • How to defrost milk
    • Optimum milk temperature for feeding
  • Which bottle WITH SAVIČKA to choose

    You will learn about the importance of choosing the right bottle and pacifier for supplementary feeding, especially after breastfeeding. You’ll also get advice on how to choose a bottle and teat based on flow rate and stability to minimize the risk of swallowing and obesity later in life.

  • How often and how much to feed

    The chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the individual needs of babies regarding complementary feeding, the importance of monitoring the total amount of milk drunk and offers recommendations for the optimal number and size of milk portions. You will learn that the amount and frequency of feeding should be adapted to the individual needs of the child, taking into account his sleep pattern, health status and developmental stage.

  • Safe preparation of artificial milk

    You will receive detailed instructions on the correct preparation of artificial milk and learn how to store it properly. We also offer tips for preparing milk on the go and find out if it is possible to reheat the milk.

  • What should be the temperature of the milk?

    You will learn what to do if the child prefers warmer or, conversely, colder milk than recommended. You will also find out what the temperature of the milk served should be and how to effectively estimate it.

  • How do I know that a child has sufficient income?

    We answer the question of whether it is possible to give a child more milk than is generally recommended, as well as how to tell if a child consumes more or less milk than is appropriate, and how to deal with this situation.

  • Mixing mother's and artificial milk

    You will find out how to practically proceed if you supplement with mother’s milk and artificial milk at the same time. We address the issue of whether it is possible to mix artificial and mother’s milk.

  • How to clean bottles, teats and supplementary feeding aids, how to keep them clean

    • Mechanical cleaning
    • What is sterilization and methods of sterilization
  • Weaning from bottle and formula

    • Until when is it appropriate to give artificial milk?
    • What to do if the child does not want to give up drinking artificial milk?
    • The effect of drinking from a baby bottle with a teat on the teeth and the entire oral cavity
    • From when and under what conditions do we start weaning from the bottle?
    • How to wean from the bottle?
    • What to replace the bottle with?
    • How to manage night waking when weaning from the bottle?
  • Pacifier: is it appropriate to use it?

    What are the effects of using a pacifier, how and when to use a pacifier and what to focus on when choosing it.

  • Frequently asked questions by parents

    Question and Answer Section. Based on your questions, we are gradually expanding this section in cooperation with our experts.

What do parents say about the programs?

    Uz pocas prechadzania programu sme vymenili netecuci uciaci hrncek za flasticku so slamkou (brckem) a babatko sa takmer hned naucilo sat. Program pre mna obsahuje cenne informacie na jednom mieste, ktore by som inak skladala aj niekolko mesiacov, co nie je pri detoch realne. Paci sa mi, ze na programe spolupracuju odbornici z roznych oborov a informacie su podlozene aj odborne. Dakujem, za usetreny cas dohladavanim informacii a hlavne sa lahsie vyvarujem stereotypnym dnes uz “chybam”! Za mna odporucam!

    Pro maminky bez zkušeností za mě super. Vše je uvedeno přehledně na jednom místě, určitou informaci lze snadno vyhledat díky proklikávacímu obsahu. Dozvěděla jsem se i hodně nových informací, které jsem jinde nenašla, jež pro nás byly velmi užitečné.

    Program poskytuje ucelené informace o zavádění pevné stravy do jídelníčku dítěte včetně konkrétních příkladů. Je moc hezky strukturován. Velkou přidanou hodnotu tvoří fotky a videa, které jsou jeho součástí.

    Krasne komplexne a pritom naprosto prehledne sestaveny program, ktery me provedl krok po kroku otazkami, co se vyvrbily hned zpocatku pri kojeni a hlavne kdyz prisel ten skok do neznama poprve mimcu predstavit i neco, co se jen nesaje. Ohromne jsem nakonec jako prvorodicka ocenila, ze jsem mela pri ruce od profiku zodpovezene otazky nejen okolo jak a kdy a kolik v urcitem veku, ale i to jake treba nadobi zvolit, jakym zpusobem podavat jidlo, stolovat a predejit ujme i drama. Uspech je uz dnes videt i na dceri, ktera se po dvou mesicich od prvniho prikrmu zvesela pomalu sama krmi vsim, co se podava. Stoji to za ten klid a doporucuju dal vsem kamaradkam, ktery to ceka.

    Thank you so much for the great information. It is true that we may be focusing on some things unnecessarily. :-)) We will definitely try the pairing, it could work. When we try to start something new, it's the total end of the world for Patíka. Thank you so much! Kačka

    I would like to thank you very much for a lot of valuable information and specific tips on how to improve the diet of these children (son 5.5 years old, limited menu). I have to say that after watching the webinar, I feel relieved that we are not alone in this and that the way to improve our diet is simply here, and also that she doesn't actually eat very little of those foods, even though it is very little compared to "normal". I've also gone through the online course of The Eating School but here I feel a lot of support, that when a child has ASD, some things don't work, or they don't work right away, and that's a great support. Thank you.

    Professional and at the same time human approach.

    Great content, everything simply explained. I especially appreciate the apt examples, several times my husband and I had a hearty laugh. Thank you very much.

    Thank you very much for your wonderful care. Mgr. Ludvíčková is a really great therapist and person. We recommend all ten to everyone. Each child and problem was solved comprehensively, ideas for supplementing the daughter's diet helped us to increase the weight, which the daughter has been struggling with for a long time, due to her disability.

Authors of the program

You can also get this program as part of a discounted package

In addition to stand-alone programs, we also offer cost-effective theme packages that include all programs on a given topic. Choose the package of your interest and discover all the information you need without having to buy individual programs.

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  • 14 chapters
  • 39 subsections
  • When can additional food be a suitable solution?
  • You will learn the different options for dokrma
  • You will know how to prepare milk for the baby
  • When and how to wean a child from a bottle and a pacifier


349 CZK

244 CZK


See one chapter for FREE

After logging in, you have the opportunity to view subsection 1.2, Complementary feeding and its effect on mother and child, for FREE! You can then purchase the entire program at any time.

Free sample

Do you have any questions about this program?

Here are your most frequently asked questions.

Didn’t find the answer? We have many more for you on the page:

Questions and Answers
  • What if I don’t find the answers to my questions in the Program?

    If you do not find the answer to your question in the Program, you have the opportunity to ask our experts directly through the Q&A section at the end of each program.

  • How long after purchase will I have access to the Program?

    You don’t have to worry about not having enough time to complete the Program. You have access to it for the whole year and you can save or print the accompanying documents and information cards.

  • I don’t know what Program is right for me.

    Contact us by e-mail and we will be happy to help you choose the right Program or package.

  • How are the programmes conducted?

    You browse the online programs yourself according to your time options online. In the programs, you will find a lot of interesting and important information and instructions, as well as accompanying photos, which you will especially appreciate when choosing tools, as well as videos that will present essential information and procedures even better.

  • How old are the programmes suitable for?

    Online programs of The Eating School are currently suitable for children from birth to three years. We will add other age categories gradually. Our goal is to cover information for all ages of children.

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