Our goal is a happy and fed child

About us

We can help you prepare for a new family member, from nutrition in pregnancy to breastfeeding.

You’ll also find inspiration and interesting tips and advice, whether you’re looking for recipes for tasty snacks, choosing a highchair or how to start introducing baby food.

But we can also help you with problem solving, whether it’s health or other issues.

We are here for all parents
  • Education
    Maminka a dítě si hrají se zeleninou
  • Inspiration
    Dítě vykrajuje z těsta tvary
  • Solution
    Malá holčička jí jídlo vidličkou
  • How we help you

    Our services

    We offer a range of services and products tailored to all parents who are concerned about their children’s diet. From online self-study programs for parents to nutritional counselling and expert consultations in The Eating School office.

    Online programs

    Everything you are interested in about children’s diet, information from experts at your fingertips.

    Maminka s miminkem se vzdělává online
    Jitká Ludvíčková přednáší online seminář na počítači a telefonu o výživě dětí

    Online seminars

    Frequently discussed topics of eating difficulties in children under the guidance of a specialist.

    Terapeut učí malého kluka pracovat s jídlem pomocí kousáku

    Examination and therapy

    Expert solution to health problems with food in children.

    Snídaňová kaše v misce ve tvaru sovy s jahodami a banány

    Articles and recipes

    Healthy recipes for children, advice and inspiration for all.

    Our story

    The Eating School was created in response to a growing demand for a comprehensive approach to eating difficulties. In 2019, when the project was established, there were already a few experts in the Czech Republic who were already working with these children, but most of the help was narrowly focused. For example, clinical speech and language therapists are experts in oral intake skills – the ability to process and swallow food. Nutritional therapists are experts in assessing and adjusting a child’s diet. Ergoterapute for assessment and solutions in the areas of sensory integration or fine motor skills, i.e. how to get food into the mouth. Psychotherapists, on the other hand, are good at supporting parents in a difficult psychological situation, when they themselves may be suffering greatly because of anxiety and fear for their child’s health. However, eating disorders require a comprehensive approach and one intervention will not be enough to improve the overall situation.

    Jitka, the founder of The Eating School, describes the beginnings: ‘When I was a beginning paediatric occupational therapist looking for the activities that put the most strain on children and their families – whether physically, temporally or psychologically – I kept coming back to food. Eating is an activity we do every day, several times a day. It is essential for survival. Some families I work with feed their children for an hour and a half. When you add in food preparation and cleaning, just eating is actually a full-time job. That’s why I decided to set up The Eating School project, where we take a comprehensive approach to families. At the moment, The Eating School has its own small team and we work with other medical professionals and therapists externally.”

    Slowly but surely, The Eating School is growing and provides expert advice and therapeutic approaches that are well applicable in the daily practice of parents and professionals.

    Děti si hrají a vykrajují z těsta tvary
    Malá holčička se učí dělat brčkem bubliny v misce s mlékem
    Malý kluk a terapeut malují pomocí červené pasty na papír
    Malý kluk si hraje s kousky mrkve v puse
    Děti sedí na křesle s terapeutem během terapie
    Malá holčička si hraje s kousky kiwi na očích

    Our team of experts

    What parents say about us

      We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Ludvíčková for everything she does for our son. We have been visiting her since January 2022, when the therapy takes place once a week. During this time, we have moved forward incredibly.

      Our daughter and I have been going to Jitka for occupational therapy for several years. Emča always looks forward to the lessons together. Sometimes they cook together, train self-care... So far, the best therapy for Jitka was the last one, when the canis dog Argi was also present.

      Thank you very much for your wonderful care. Mgr. Ludvíčková is a really great therapist and person. We recommend all ten to everyone. Each child and problem was solved comprehensively, ideas for supplementing the daughter's diet helped us to increase the weight, which the daughter has been struggling with for a long time, due to her disability. We finally found a person who solves the core of the problem and is interested in the child. Nothing is a problem, and thanks to Jitka, we know that everything has a solution and it doesn't have to be the introduction of a PEG, as the doctors want to impose on the parents. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.

      I can recommend The Eating School with a calm heart and I recommend it everywhere else. We also learned about her by chance and several years ago, when my two-year-old daughter had a big problem with eating and biting..... Jitka, the therapist, was always very nice, she worked very well with my daughter and gave me good advice many times or just she added the waning energy that I usually need when feeding.... Even now we like to come back when there is a food problem..... TOP for me!

      If your child is a picky eater, has various types of disabilities or is on a feeding tube or PEG, try the School of Papany. The kind approach of the therapist Jitka, her willingness and dedication to her mission have already helped many children, including our Adam. It's a journey, it's a process, and it won't change overnight, but it will.

      Professional and at the same time human approach.

      Jitka was recommended to us from early care when we were already on the brink of strength. Her kind and professional approach helped us after the first meeting. After five therapies at home, we don't even know that the little one ever had a problem with food. I definitely highly recommend it.

      Human and professional approach. She explained things to us that no one in the hospital bothered to tell us. Thank you for your help.

      Thank you very much for your wonderful care. Mgr. Ludvíčková is a really great therapist and person. We recommend all ten to everyone. Each child and problem was solved comprehensively, ideas for supplementing the daughter's diet helped us to increase the weight, which the daughter has been struggling with for a long time, due to her disability.